Major problem with wordpress website hosting is malware injection by hackers. But in my personal experience I learnt that the following hosting used sites are …

AWS Cloud9 Your request failed because there’s a conflict with the current state of the target resource
AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides services from various regions that was the major reason for that. This is a simple issue which can be resolved …
Extract .wpress files created by the awesome All-in-one-Wp-Migration plugin with Traktor software.
Extracting .wpress is also a major task that helps to extract. Usage of All in one WordPress plugin nowadays increased by almost 70% of developers …
Which hosting is best for a WordPress website?
I manage my blog and other websites with WordPress. Every month, millions of users engage with and read the content on my website. To ensure …
Essential plugins to use in a new WordPress site
Essential plugins are classified depending on the features you require for your website, the plugin list may vary. This blog post outlines a selection of …
Detect an instance that belongs to GCP or another providers
If you have an instance that you forgot where the instance is created in GCP ( Google cloud platform )or AWS (Amazon web services) for …
How to change or reset your WordPress admin password.
There are 3 different ways to login into the WordPress website admin without knowing the old WordPress details. In this post, we have separated each …
Best ways to optimize your WordPress website?
It’s an important thing to optimize a WordPress (or any other) website because for providing a better user experience. If you are not optimizing your …
VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED)
You need to enable virtualization using BIOS setup. step 1: Restart your PC and when your PC booting up then press your BIOS setup key …
How to remove URL/href when printing bootstrap website using jquery
By default in bootstrap, they have added a class for displaying href URL as content. We need to override that class with a custom CSS …